Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Emerald Isle Images!

Although on a bike, I flew around 650 miles of Ireland taking shelter from the wild weather, low temperatures and the high prices but not from the gregarious, warm welcoming, well wishing locals who do not recognise the meaning of the word stranger.

However, I now find myself back on native soil having almost pedalled out my money, months and muscles. After nearly two years on the road , only 160 miles will find me back in the bossom of family and friends.

Tartan clad rugby rogues gather for drunken revelry in Dublin!

A Guinness is said to be a meal in itself ... I dined a la carte all day!

I am not the only one visiting Ireland!

A Bonnie Hoose!

Round the rugged rock the ragged root ran!

Especially to my Charity Page!

My new mantra!

Drying out my hosiery in the local hostelry.

No words required!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Would really love to hear all about how you recovered from m.e. after so many years.

Unknown said...

Slack bastard...stop.... Give us the 'Homecoming' pix on your blog.....stop.... Eml versions not convincing - could all be bogus - everyone knows Photoshop......stop... Enough wallowing in celebrity, glory and gloating....stop...... Enough socialising....stop... Beatings will continue till blog is updated.

Directive from CEO, Adelaide branch.

Libby Plane said...

Hi Eric. Met you on the ABZ HTR flight in April. Lovely site and great photos, not to overlook the terrific journeyings! Am inspired to set off myself (when old will have something to think about)! Nice and interesting meeting you. Libby Plane.